FTLife社の一括払い、資産承継貯蓄保険フォーチュンセーバー / Fortune Saver 2

- 一括払いで総保険料をなるべく抑え、堅実に安定した資産形成を実現
- 何度でも名義変更が可能(回数無制限)
- 80才でも加入できる上に、オフショア香港で保険契約内で譲渡可
- 現代の人生100年時代をもとに設計されているので、保障期間は128才まで
- 最大8%の高額割引特典あり
- 1. FTLife社の貯蓄性の高い一時払い承継保険、Fortune Saver Insurance Plan Ⅱ
- 2. 何度でも名義変更可能(回数無制限)。しかも、新たな被保険者の128才まで自動延長 Unlimited changes of the insuredUnlimited changes
- 3. 保険契約の延長オプション(受益者へ)[3]Policy Continuation Option
- 4. 高額契約者には最大8%の割引[8] Large Size Discount up to 8%
- 5. 解約返戻金[7]や死亡保険金[6]の受取オプション Flexible Settlement Options
- 6. 追加の死亡保障金[4] Additional Accidental Death Benefit
- 7. フォーチュン セーバー2の詳細 At-a-Glance Table
FTLife社の貯蓄性の高い一時払い承継保険、Fortune Saver Insurance Plan Ⅱ
解約返戻金(保証)のみでも損益分岐点は6年目 Guaranteed breakeven period as short as 6 years
契約の保障期間は被保険者の128歳までとなっており、超長期的な資産形成の機会を提供し、Prudent-Progressive principleの攻守ともに備える資産戦略を実現してくれます。現金価値の保証とさらに年次配当金(非保証)[9]、終了時配当金[9]が提供されるので資産を案的的、継続的に成長させることができます。
契約と開始と同時に現金価値を維持 Enjoy cash value upon policy starts
明るい未来のために自分で年金を作るSATOさん、55才のとき300,000.04米ドルを一括で払ったことを前提にしたライフプラン シミュレーションです。
大切なご子息SATOジュニアさん、10才、50,000米ドルを一括で払ったことを前提にしたライフプラン シミュレーションです。
何度でも名義変更可能(回数無制限)。しかも、新たな被保険者の128才まで自動延長 Unlimited changes of the insuredUnlimited changes
保険契約の延長オプション(受益者へ)[3]Policy Continuation Option
高額契約者には最大8%の割引[8] Large Size Discount up to 8%
対象となる一括保険料*(US$) | 高額契約割引率 |
≥ 300,000 | 8% |
100,000 –< 300,000 | 6% |
50,000 –< 100,000 | 4% |
対象となる一括保険料*(US$) | 高額契約割引率 | 高額契約割引金額 | 割引後の保険料 |
300,000 | 8% | 24,000 | 276,000 |
100,000 | 6% | 6,000 | 94,000 |
50,000 | 4% | 2,000 | 48,000 |
* 上記一括保険料は、大型割引前のものです。
解約返戻金[7]や死亡保険金[6]の受取オプション Flexible Settlement Options
まとまったお金が必要なら一括受取り Full surrender Settlement
できるだけ多く受け取りたいなら年金受取り Regular payments
終了時配当金のロックインオプション[1] Terminal Dividend Lock-In Option
- 自動ロックインオプション/Automatic Lock-In Optionを年次配当金[1]第15回目の契約日または被保険者が選択した定年退職年齢(55歳以上)に達した直後の契約日(いずれか遅い方)から、終了時配当金を年次配当金[9]の残額が30%になるまでの間、払込保険料総額を年次配当金[5]の8%を起算した額を、各契約日ごとに自動的に年次配当金を年次配当金[9]に換算します。
- 手動ロックインオプション/Manual Lock-In Optionを年次配当金[1] 15 契約日目から、ご希望の終身配当金を年次配当金[9]の一部を、ご指定の契約日に年間配当金9に転換することができます。終了時配当金を年次配当金[9]の10%以上を1回ごとに、合計60%まで転換できますが、転換の間隔は3年以上必要となります。
追加の死亡保障金[4] Additional Accidental Death Benefit
フォーチュン セーバー2の詳細 At-a-Glance Table
当該商品、貯蓄性の高い一時払い承継保険、Fortune Saver Insurance Plan Ⅱをテーブルで以下のようにまとめます。
支払い頻度 | 一括/一時払いのみ 香港の銀行から引き落とし or 日本の銀行からの送金 or VISA/Masterカードで引き落とし |
加入年齢 | 出生15日から80歳まで |
保障期間 | 被保険者が128歳になるまで |
最低投資額 | US$10,000 |
死亡保障 | 75才以下: 105~110% 76才以上: 101% |
年次配当[9] | 契約期間中は、11年目から毎年配当(非保証)開始。以下のオプションがあります。 ⅰ)利息付き積立(デフォルトオプション) ⅱ)現金での支払い |
終了時配当[9] | 契約期間中は、1年毎に1年目の契約日から終了時配当金(非保証)開始。次のいずれかのタイミングで給付。 ⅰ)被保険者が死亡した場合 ⅱ)全部解約や一部解約 ⅲ)保険契約の満期日 ⅳ)自動手動ロックインオプションの実行時 |
1. You can apply changes between Automatic Lock-In Option/Manual Lock-In Option for unlimited times before exercising the “Terminal Dividend Lock-In Options”. Once the option has been exercised, no change can be made. The actual amount of converted terminal dividend through “Manual Lock-In Option” will be determined after the application is approved. The amount may be lesser or higher than the amount shown at the time when you submit your application. After the conversion of terminal dividend, your future terminal dividend will be reduced accordingly. Any terminal dividend that has not yet been converted can be higher or lower or reduced to zero. While the “Automatic Lock-In Option” is in force, the option will be immediately suspended upon partial surrender, and you have to submit a request to resume the option.
2. Changing the insured is subject to the prevailing administrative rules and shall not affect the units, policy values, policy date and policy year. The maturity date will be changed to the policy anniversary on or following the 128th birthday of the new insured. The new insured must be aged 65 years of age (last birthday) or below and must not be older than the initial insured by 10 years. The change of insured must be endorsed by the Policyowner, proposed new insured and assignee (if any). Both the new insured and the current insured must be alive and the policy is in force at the time the insured is changed and with satisfactory proof of evidence of insurability for the proposed new insured. We shall cease to provide any coverage for the Initial Insured or the prior insured on our record (when applicable and as the case may be) as from the Insured-Change Effective Date. Please refer to the policy provisions for details of changing the insured.
3. Upon the death of insured, if the Policyowner (still alive) and the insured is different person, the Beneficiary will become the new insured. If the Policyowner and the insured is the same person or the Policyowner died, upon the death of insured, the Beneficiary will become the new Policyowner and new insured of the policy, subject to the prevailing administrative rules of the Company. After this option has been exercised, all policy units, policy values, policy date and policy year will remain unchanged. Plan End Date of the basic plan of this Policy will be adjusted to the date of policy anniversary on the 128th birthday of the New Insured (in case the Policy Anniversary falls on the same date as the New Insured’s 128th birthday) or the immediately following policy anniversary. The policy value may be equal to or lower than Death Benefit before this option has been exercised. If the Death Benefit Settlement Option has already been selected, you shall cancel the Death Benefit Settlement Option arrangement before your submission of any written request for this Policy Continuation Option. Please refer to the policy provisions for details of Policy Continuation Option.
4. Additional Accidental Death Benefit only covers (i) death of the insured due to accident occurs in the first 8 policy years and the death occurs within 180 calendar days from the date of the accident; and (ii) after we received comprehensive and adequate proof of the accidental death of the insured. Additional Accidental Death Benefit up to 100% of total premiums paid (The minimum amount of Additional Accidental Death Benefit is equal to USD 15,000 per insured and the maximum amount is equal to USD 150,000 per insured.) This benefit is not available for the policy with Policy Continuation Option being exercised. Please refer to the policy provisions for details of Additional Accidental Death Benefit.
5. Total premiums paid refers to the total amount of premium(s) due and paid for the basic plan. If you partially surrendered this Policy, the total premiums paid will be proportionately reduced.
6. If the Policyowner opts for the beneficiary to receive “A lump sum payment for part of the Death Benefit and Additional Accidental Death Benefit (if any), and the remaining will be paid on a regular basis”, the lump sum amount should equal to or greater than 5% of the Death Benefit and Additional Accidental Death Benefit (if any). However, interest on unpaid Death Benefit and Additional Accidental Death Benefit (if any) is not guaranteed, therefore interest may be less than expected and the actual payout period may be shorter than the selected period. Only lump sum Death Benefit is applicable if an assignment is made. If the beneficiary(ies) die(s) while receiving the Death Benefit and Additional Accidental Death Benefit (if any) payments, the remaining amount will be paid to the beneficiary(ies)’ estate. If no beneficiary(ies) survives upon the death of the insured yet the Policyowner is still alive, the Death Benefit and Additional Accidental Death Benefit (if any) will be paid to the Policyowner in accordance with the Death Benefit settlement option. Policyowner may also request to receive the Death Benefit in lump sum. If the Policyowner dies while receiving the Death Benefit payment and Additional Accidental Death Benefit (if any), the remaining Death Benefit and Additional Accidental Death Benefit (if any) will be paid in a lump sum to the Policyowner’s estate. This benefit is not available for the policy with Policy Continuation Option being exercised. Please refer to the policy provisions for details of Death Benefit Settlement Option.
7. Upon full surrender, the Policyowner may choose to receive surrender payment in a fixed amount on a regular basis or increasing amount by installments. However, interest on unpaid surrender payment is not guaranteed, therefore interest may be less than expected and the actual payout period may be shorter than the selected or expected period. If the Policyowner dies while receiving the surrender payments, the remaining surrender payments will be paid in lump sum to the Policyowner’s estate.
8. Large Size Discount is only applicable to basic premium of Fortune Saver II (“Eligible Single Premium”). Other rider premium (if applicable) will not be entitled to the Large Size Discount. The Large Size Discount is on per Fortune Saver II policy basis. If customer has applied for more than one Fortune Saver II policy, all policies could enjoy Large Size Discount. However, the Eligible Single Premiums of the policies will not be aggregated in calculating the Large Size Discount Rate.
9. Annual dividend, terminal dividend and interest from accumulated annual dividend are not guaranteed. However, once distributed, the amount of the annual dividend and the accumulated interest will become guaranteed. An annual dividend may be payable at the sole discretion of the company on each policy anniversary. The amount of terminal dividend in each declaration may be greater or less than the previous amount based on a number of factors, including but not limited to investment returns and general market volatility.
10. The current interest rate offered is 2% p.a., but it is not guaranteed.
11. Worldwide Emergency Assistance Services are provided by International SOS Assistance (HK) Ltd. We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions of “Worldwide Emergency Assistance Service” and assumes no responsibility of the services provided by the third party service provider.
FTLifeには香港でもっとも有名な保険会社。親会社は香港最大手の貴金属店の周大福やK11ショッピングモール、市バスなどを所有するNew World Development/新世界発展。つまり、香港を代表するコングロマリット(香港系財閥)の金融部門を担っている。2,800人以上のエージェントや独立した財務アドバイザーが在籍しています。
- 積み立て資産承継貯蓄保険のRegent Insurance Plan 2 Premier
- 一括払い資産承継貯蓄保険のFortune Saver Insurance Plan Ⅱ
- 年金プランのIncomePro Annuity Plan
- 積み立て投信保険のOscar
- 一括支払い投信保険のLegend
- 積み立てリバース モーゲージ年金保険のOn Your Mind
サポート内容抜粋 | 料金(HK$) |
商品のご案内 | 無料 |
住所や電話番号など各種変更手続き | 1,000/回 ※弊社の顧客は無料 |
その他、各種手続きやトラブル解決や通訳 | お問合せください |
FTLife香港の基本情報 Fundamental information of FTLife Hong Kong
世界の格付け機関から受けた推奨や高格付け(Fitch Ratings A-)は、F財務力の強さを表しています。FTLifeは多様な商品を提供し、将来設計や資産承継などあらゆる角度から顧客の資産をオフショアで保全します。
名称 | FTLife Insurance Company Limited / 富通保保険有限公司 又は単に FTLife |
KOWLOON - FTL Prestige Service Centre | Suite 3106-09, 31/F, Tower 6, Gateway, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong |
営業時間 ※香港時間 | 月~金曜日: 9:00~19:00 土曜日: 9:00~13:00 |
カスタマーホットライン/電話番号 | +852 2866 8898 |
ホームページURL | https://www.ftlife.com.hk |
csc@ftlife.com.hk | |
申請書等の送付先 | FTLife Kowloon Customer Service Centre 7/F NEO, 123 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong |