失業率 / Unemployment rate

失業率(Unemployment rate)は労働人口(Labour force)の中で失業者が占める割合(Percentage of the number of unemployed)です。したがって、まず、労働人口の規模(Size of the labour force)、すなわち就業者数と失業者数の総和(Total number of employed and unemployed people)を確定することが必要であります。

就業者 Employed

香港政府統計局(Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department)の定義によると、就業者(Employed)とは以下となります。
1,集計前の7日以内に賃金と利益があり、または2,正式な仕事があった15歳以上の者を指します。(The employed are those aged 15 and over who have been at work for pay or profit during the 7 days before enumeration or who have had formal job attachment)

失業者 Unemployed

1,統計前の7日以内に無職で且つ賃金や利益を伴わない仕事をした者(The unemployed population consists those persons aged 15 and over who fulfill the conditions of having not had a job and having not performed any work for pay or profit during the 7 days before enumeration)
2,統計前7日以内にいつでも就業ができた者(and having been available for work during the 7 days before enumeration)、且つ、3,統計前の30日以内に求職した者(and having sought work during the 30 days before enumeration)を指します。